Pawan Kalyan entered Telugu movie industry with "Akkada Ammayi Ikkada Abbayi" as Kalyan Babu. Despite many failures his reachment never decrease and his stamina at box office is higher than any other telugu actor which makes even critics to admire.His approach towards film making and his taste are most appreciated. Though his first film did not do well at the box office, Pawan Kalyan was noticed for his expertise in Martial Arts.
For showing his martial arts talent in movie Akkada Ammayi Ikkada Abbayi Andhra Pradesh's Ex-Chief minister Nara Chandra Babu Naidu entitled him the name 'Pawan' by which be became popular in the Telugu film industry. Pawan's second movie Gokulamlo Sita failed at box-office but his next movie Suswagatham fared well. He tasted his first success with Tholi Prema (1998), which set standards in the industry and became a paradigm for youth oriented films. The movie marked a milestone in Pawan's career and he was recognised by the audiences. His next two flicks Thammudu and Badri were blockbusters. Kushi (2001), broke box office records as it went on to gross 20 crores
Pawan Kalyan entered Telugu movie industry with "Akkada Ammayi Ikkada Abbayi" as Kalyan Babu. Despite many failures his reachment never decrease and his stamina at box office is higher than any other telugu actor which makes even critics to admire.His approach towards film making and his taste are most appreciated. Though his first film did not do well at the box office, Pawan Kalyan was noticed for his expertise in Martial Arts.
For showing his martial arts talent in movie Akkada Ammayi Ikkada Abbayi Andhra Pradesh's Ex-Chief minister Nara Chandra Babu Naidu entitled him the name 'Pawan' by which be became popular in the Telugu film industry. Pawan's second movie Gokulamlo Sita failed at box-office but his next movie Suswagatham fared well. He tasted his first success with Tholi Prema (1998), which set standards in the industry and became a paradigm for youth oriented films. The movie marked a milestone in Pawan's career and he was recognised by the audiences. His next two flicks Thammudu and Badri were blockbusters. Kushi (2001), broke box office records as it went on to gross 20 crores
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