Venkatesh debuted through Kaliyuga Pandavulu in 1986. Just two years old as an actor, Venkatesh acted in Swarnakamalam directed by Kasinadhuni Viswanath. Varasudochadu, released in the same year, was another trophy. After a few flops, he got a break in the form of Bobbili Raja. Added to that the name and performance of Venkatesh was delightful Divya Bharati, good comedy and melodious music. Bobbili Raja was a musical hit and also entertained audience from all sections because of its ingredients. In Shathruvu, Venkatesh played angry young lawyer who takes law into his hands after failing to fight the corruption through the court. Venkatesh has also worked with famed Bollywood director Ram Gopal Varma in the film Kshana Kshanam, which was a huge success at the box office[citation needed]. Chanti, a remake of Tamil movie Chinna Thambi, happened in 1991. Chanti was definitely a challenging project for Venkatesh. Chanti was a box office hit and Venkatesh's career benefitted hugely by it. Anari was the remake of Chanti in Bollywood's Hindi cinema. Venkatesh started becoming a family hero and turned out a huge fan following among women. Venkatesh has acted in a lot of blockbusters. His recent films, Adavari Matalaku Ardhalu Verule and Tulasi are big hits. He is very aggressive in the work. Also he is known to be very down to earth and spiritual person. And also he is one of the best comedy heroes of the telugu film industry at the same time he acted in many serious roles and action movies like Gharshana, Lakshmi etc. He also has many lady fans because of his many romantic and family entertainer films
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